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I believe in simple
and intentional living.
Many times I find
myself in complex situations that are man-made. It’s stressing and annoying to
think how in most cases with the imagination that we want to be serious we
always end up complicating our lives. We get into a rat-race because we want to
portray an image of serious, sophisticated life. Simple but intentional living,
on the other hand, is more rewarding. Just being simple is not good enough. You
may disregard some crucial issues that might hit back on you. But being simple
with intentionality goes a long way in giving us a fulfilling and significant
An intentional life
can’t be lived without continuous self-examination. We need to continually
examine our lives, be intentional how we want to move from point A to B and do
it the simplest way we can.
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Life can be very demanding and with the pressure to be like others, to fit in, to count for something, we drag along things that we really don’t need in our lives. We rarely ask ourselves what do we really want, what are we all about, what’s really important to us. What do we really want to be and do embracing our own uniqueness and diversity?
God intends for us
that we be simple and live simple lives. He further expects us to be
intentional. After creating Adam, he asked him to be fruitful, multiply,
replenish the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over everything - Simple
but intentional.
In our desire to really feel that we are important and deserving, we have done more harm, than good to ourselves. What if we just cared about what God cares about. What if we went back to what really God wanted us to do and be?
In our desire to really feel that we are important and deserving, we have done more harm, than good to ourselves. What if we just cared about what God cares about. What if we went back to what really God wanted us to do and be?
We are called upon to
do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with God. To me this is simple.
Unfortunately, due to our egoistic tendencies and the pressure we put ourselves
through, we miss out on enjoying this.
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It’s amazing how
people who have learned to trust have managed to live simple lives. Trust is
the key to reducing on all the complications we mostly find ourselves in. The
more you are trustworthy and you learn to trust others the simpler and
intentional your life is. I’m a firm believer in trust. I have been accused of
easily trusting people. I have been disappointed by people. But I still
believe, my life is what is it is because I have learned how to slowly trust
people who God brings my way. It’s never easy and it’s a journey am willing to
take. This trust is either to God, family, friends, colleagues etc. If you
fully trust God to do what he says he will, your life will be simple, and the
same applies to others around you. If you don’t trust, you will live a more
complicated life as you will always be suspicious of everything including
Trust is never
developed overnight. It requires being intentional and time. You have to risk
it. You have to keep at it, give it all without reservation and you will be
amazed how people respond if you show them trust. Who do you trust most around
you? How does that interaction with the person you trust always go? On a scale
of 1 to 10, where will you rate it with regard to simplicity?
What is the one thing
you know you really trust yourself at? How easy is it when it comes to engaging
in it? Most of us are stuck in complication or sophistication because we don't
trust ourselves. We don't believe in ourselves and what we can do. We don't
even believe in God which is the greatest and the most important work we are
called upon to do. To believe in the one he sent. That makes life simple and
If this resonates with
you, think how to make your life simple and intentional. Start now… Then look
for a small community of friends who you can do this together with… Being accountable to a few and practicing with
a few. It’s about building a community of friends to share each other’s journey
of life. You have to be deeply committed
to each other and desire to see each other grow in this journey. You have to
create a support, encouragement and accountability platform for each other. The
community has to be a small as possible so that there is active engagement by
all involved.
Find a community
around you and see if these conversations make sense to you…
By Gabriel Odhiambo Achayo
Thanks Gabriel. Totally makes sense to me.