Friday, 1 November 2019

Good Vs. Bad

I believe deep inside every human being lies some good.
We are God's creation. God's creation is marvelous. The joke goes that some of us are fearfully made than wonderfully. But the truth is, we are God's masterpiece. The best of his creation. In all of us, God put in something good. Something beautiful that, if harnessed well, can lead to better humanity. 
Unfortunately, due to the pressures and demands of this world, the good in us may never be seen or portrayed. All that we exhibit is the bad in us. When we continue to feed the bad in us, it grows into a huge monster, and the good is slowly overpowered or starved. It doesn't mean it's gone. It's just been given a backseat and silenced. Depending on which one we feed in us, we could either be the worst, toxic person or the most amazing person that people will ever experience. Daily, we start by making a choice on who we want to feed, who we want to exhibit. The challenge we go through in feeding the good or the bad defines who we are and who we become.

It's said we make our habits and our habits make us. We pick what to do in a situation. If we continuously do that, it becomes a habit, and before we realize, we are known in that way. The guy who comes late or the generous one. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.” Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Our thoughts are very key. Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. If you dwell on bad thoughts, you will yield bad fruits. You can't focus on bad thoughts and yield the opposite. You are known by your fruits. Some of us are good at countering our thought patterns. We intentionally tell ourselves what to think by sieving the thoughts that come to us. This is very important. Imagine if everyone walked with a screenshot of what they are thinking all around them, you would be shocked at those around you. But we have to train our minds on what to dwell on. It's said you can't stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop the bird from building a nest over your head. There is the battle that we have to fight so that we can bear good fruits. So the good in us can be experienced.

There are a leader and a follower in each of us. The leader knows what you need to do to make your move to the next level in your life. The follower, on the other hand, has some ideas. Assume you need to lose weight, the leader in you has a clear plan. The follower will want a few more days to start the plan; maybe next year or a few more ice cream treat won't hurt etc. But until you empower the leader in you to take charge, then you may be at this for as long as you keep talking about it.

We, therefore, need to watch out who we empower. We need to be careful who we pay much attention to. What are we sowing every day? The concept of Garbage In Garbage Out, GIGO, is so real. If you choose to be free, you then become a source of freedom to others. If you decide to liberate yourself and focus on the good in you, you become a liberator to others.

While it's always very easy to feed the bad in us, to invest in the good, you need a little more than the usual effort. You need to go the extra mile. You will need to be very intentional in why and how you do it.

Find a few friends and talk about this.


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