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Image Credit: http://erniecarrasco.com
Religion is good and it helps us work within some defined parameters that we understand. It's our own way of trying to reach God, to please God, and to serve God. To many people, this becomes a way of life and it often becomes the bottom-line. Others have found themselves where they have lifted up religion over and above the truth - Religion over and above the scripture. This to me is not right. When we focus more on what we are doing rather than on who we are becoming, we start losing out on what really Jesus was about. I'd rather we become, then whatever we find ourselves doing, flows out of who we have become. Unfortunately, religion has pushed us sometimes to do and do and do and do some more.
I believe, following Jesus and living by his teachings is what Jesus was all about. In the words of Jesus, “a time is coming and has come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Truth and in Spirit”. Worship being a lifestyle, not only an action, we are called upon to live it out. To embody the truth and the spirit. You will know them by their fruits. A bad tree can’t bring forth a good fruit and vice versa. If you don’t focus on being, so that doing is the fruit you bring forth from the vine, then all you produce are toxic unsustainable fruit. This could be toxic to you or those around you. In order to truly love, you have to embody love, to truly serve you have to embody service, to teach you, have to live the teachings, to facilitate transformation, you have to be in the journey of transformation yourself.
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Image Credits: www.thepowerofoneness.com |
Jesus calls on us to worship in truth and in spirit. Truth supersedes any legality. Truth rises above human restrictions. You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free. To embody the truth and the spirit is to be free, guided by the spirit of God and not limited by human restrictions. This doesn’t mean that you live as if you are above the law, but it means you are not limited to them. The human restriction doesn’t dictate what you do but you rise above them. The truth that you know and the spirit of God that dwells in you is what dictates and guides you; they are your yardstick. The “dos and don’ts”; set in place by human are not your yardsticks. If you set your standard on the truth and the spirit, you will not have a problem with questions of origin, meaning, morality and destiny.
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Image Credits: http://www.writeopinions.com |
Jesus spent his life not to establish an institution, or a structure but to bring a way of life. That is why you can’t limit Jesus. He’s a friend of all. No matter your background, your origin, the way of worship, Jesus teachings are applicable and provide a clear moral compass in living a fulfilling life. Am not against institutions and structure, but if it hinders what Jesus is all about, then it’s to be thrown out. He came and lived among us to help us appreciate something beyond what we know. If you seek to embody His values and principles, you experience a fulfilling life. You are able to rise above the humanly set boundaries and limitations and really live a significant life. Focusing on your religious doctrines may in many cases limit you and put you in a box so you never get to really live out your great potential. He came that we may have life and have it in abundance. He brought a way of life that leads to abundant living. The guiding principles in this way of life are to live in truth and in spirit.
What truth is your life established on? How is that influenced by the spirit of God that lives in you? I believe truth without the spirit of God is just too much information that might not bear fruits in our lives and those around us. Focus on Jesus and live a fulfilling life.
If this resonates with you, go ahead to evaluate your way of
life. Look for a small community of friends who you can do this together with… Being
accountable to a few and doing the way of life with a few. It’s about building
a community of friends to share each other’s life. You have to be deeply committed to each other
and desire to see each other grow in this journey. You have to create a support,
encouragement and accountability platform for each other. The community has to
be as small as possible so that there is active engagement by all involved.
Find a community around you and see if these
conversations make sense to you…
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Image Credits: http://www.aggn.org |
By Gabriel Achayo