Friday, 9 November 2018


“Family isn’t always about the people in your life who are blood relations. It’s about the people in your life who want you to be in theirs. It’s about the people in your life who accept you for who you are, Support you in the things you choose to do and no matter what, are there for you. It’s the people in your life who love you, respect you and who you can depend on. Now that’s family!”
And what else does AYLF offer you than a family of friends? People who care about you, support you and respect you. This is my story:

I joined AYLF in 2014. This was through a friend I had made in High School-Millicent Orondo. I attended the Tuesday meetings then at YMCA and I soon became a small group coordinator for the KU Chapter. This is where all the fun started. We would meet on Thursday evenings at a food outlet where we would share biscuits and soda. We started off less than 5, with a standard deviation of 2(I am sorry my statistics had to come in (lol)We had no agenda but just to know how the week was and get to know each other better. The number soon grew and by the time I was leaving, we were quite a good number, a consistent of 15 members.

How does the family come in? You may wonder. In 2015, I went to Rwanda for 2 months. As a good family member would do, Joshua AKA Josh on hearing this was concerned and introduced me to Jackie Mbabazi an AYLF member from Rwanda. We met in Kigali and this kick-started a friendship which has stood to date. Jackie always called to check on how I was doing. She is definitely one of the sweetest persons you can ever meet and I am glad to call her family. This is just one instance that I can point.
AYLF is that place you can be your real self with no fear of judgment. This safe spot allows you to make friendships that are not just for convenience but are long-term.
We have celebrated marriages between AYLF members.H ow beautiful it is to know that AYLF is that place where one can trust to get the love of their life. That one can trust to be vulnerable and make a deep life-long commitment like marriage. Not only that, AYLF has created an avenue of friends across countries which has bridged the gap, especially Kenya and Uganda, has a special connection I could say.

AYLF even has an investment group. A thought that just started as a joke during one of the Tuesday meetings has now blossomed to serious investment and shareholding. We are all so cautious about our money but friendship melts the fears and this has been the backbone of a successful investment group.
AYLF members will celebrate your birthday with you, attend your graduation, surprise you on your Engagement, be at your bridal shower, come to visit when you get a baby and the list goes on and on. Who else can be that present apart from family?

I can bet each person who has been in AYLF can point out more than one instance that AYLF has played the role of family in their lives. What is your story?

By Mercy Karumba. 

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