Tuesday 23 April 2019


I believe efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.
It's a great thing to put in a lot of effort and have great courage in life's issues and decisions. Life has a way of bringing a lot on our way that needs us to operate beyond our normal curve, to put in more effort. We are expected to show courage in situations that could exhibit fear or cowardice. However, it's of great importance to note that for significance and meaning in this life, we need some sense of purpose and direction so that our efforts are not like beating the air. It's called being SMART. This I believe is the source of joy and happiness in this life. Without purpose and direction, as we could be doing is like using a reed basket to gather water.
I grew up being encouraged to always work hard. I picked on that, and I really did. I buried myself in books. Was a good student and performed well to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nairobi. All this was great, and I encourage everyone to just do that; put in effort and work at what you do with courage. I have met a lot of people who are hard workers, who are courageous and are giving it their best. The question I ask and I continue to even ask myself is “So what?" I think it's in vain to wake up early and go to bed late if there is no sense of a big "WHY."

In my experience of working with people, I have seen those who have a sense of purpose and direction live life with self-drive, motivation and are more joyous as opposed to those who don’t. It doesn’t mean that they have a smooth ride in life. They for sure will equally experience tough times, moments of uncertainty and even questions themselves, but what makes them keep on is a belief in their hearts that they are involved in something much bigger than probably themselves. Their commitment to a certain destiny, a future that they hope for. This makes them think differently and stay hopeful.
When I finished campus in 2008, I started working with young men in Kawangware slums. I did this project for eight years. This project was a fulfilling experience. I had a sense of purpose, and I knew what I did every day meant something to someone. I would wake up in the morning, go an extra mile and never complain because I believed in the idea of giving these young men a second chance to life. An opportunity to make their lives count for something. I look back and as much as the project closed and I feel bad about that, I’m grateful I did it. I’m grateful for that season of my life. It had meaning and purpose. If I had no purpose and was just spending time, I'm not sure how I would have managed to work in that community for the eight years I did.

This in itself doesn't mean that you have to do something in the same line to feel that you have a sense of purpose. You could be working in the field of IT, Engineering, government, etc. The question is "So what?" What's your big WHY for that path? Are you just putting in effort and courage to no end? Why wake up in the morning, spend your energy and time in something that means nothing to you. I know sometimes circumstances push us to do things we are not happy to, but at the end of the day, “SO WHAT?”
If this resonates with you, ask yourself the question, “SO WHAT?” Look for a small community of friends who you can do this together with. Being accountable to a few and practicing with a few. It’s about building a community of friends to share each other’s journey of interrogating this life-transforming question.  You have to be deeply committed to each other and desire to see each other grow in this journey. You have to create support, encouragement and accountability platform for each other. The community has to be as small as possible so that there is active engagement by all involved.
Find a community around you and see if these conversations make sense to you.

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